DSmart data navigator
A desktop app that allows you to efficiently navigate your internal documents by asking questions about them. The app provides instant answers based on the information contained in your files.
Such a desktop tool is convenient when you want to grant access to a disorganized folder structure with many files on your computer or server, without the need to drag and drop specific files into a web browser. Another advantage is that you don't need to know the specific file where the information you're searching for is located. The app displays the sources used in the answer; simply click on them to open the source files.
Download & Install
- Windows: Run the installer.
- MacOS: Unpack the zip file and right-click on the .app file and select "open".
Enter API key
Click on the three dots icon inside the search bar to the right to open the settings window and enter your OpenAI API key.
Grant Access to Data Folders
In the settings window, click on '+Add' and select the folders you'd like to grant access to for searching. After confirming with 'save', the system starts processing and preparing your data. Please note that the duration can vary depending on the amount of data in the chosen folders. During this process, 'Loading' will be displayed in the search bar.
Fire away with questions!

Do I need to prepare the data in some way?
No, the data folder/s can be a single folder containing just a few files or a more extensive folder structure with layers of sub-folders and files distributed throughout. There's no need for the files to be structured in any specific way.
The current version supports the following file formats:
Text (.txt)
Word (.docx)
PDF (.pdf)
Powerpoint (.pptx)
Excel (.xlsx)
CSV (.csv)
Python (.py)
Golang (.go)
While your search folder/s may contain other file formats, the Visendi Assistant will ignore them. Stay tuned! More features are coming to the desktop variant


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